Friday 24 October 2014

Climate Change, what change?

LightningClimate change is an interesting subject. It can stir up the emotions and passions on both sides of the argument. I am writing this looking out across the River Yarra in Melbourne, Australia and wondering what will happen to this area. I live a few 10's of kilometres from here and I know our home is a hundred or so meters above sea level so i should be alright if the scientists are right. But really that isn't what I should be thinking.
Is there really climate change? Yes there is climate change. There has always been climate change since God made the earth! I think the question should be not "is there climate change?" but "what effect is man having on climate change?". There has been some evidence that man isn't having the effect some scientists are saying. It's what I call the volcano theory. There have been and are still volcanoes erupting, and putting more pollution into the atmosphere in one blast than man has since the industrial revolution! I still don't think it is a good idea to continue polluting the earth the way we are irrespective of whether or not it is causing climate change. I look at it something like a smoker, in that when a smoker smokes, they don't immediately feel the detrimental effect smoking is having. Over a period of time however, the damage builds up until such a time as the smoker falls over. This is what we are doing to the planet.

 What can be done? It appears that the current "carbon trading" leave it to the market isn't working, and is probably doomed to fail. Why? Because of the capitalistic greed of big business. It's just too expensive. It cuts into profits and share dividends. Not until we change our view of business, money, and how we live will the pollution problem start to be resolved. Will it be too late? Unlikely! If you look at nature like a large field or woodland you will observe that there will be some species of animal or plant that will become dominant, when it becomes too dominant the food source becomes scarce or a disease hits hard and the dominant falls away, leaving room for others to grow. After a period of time an equilibrium will ensue. Sometimes there will be an outside influence, like a long winter, which upsets the equilibrium, but given time, the balance comes back, sitting within natural variations. The planet is like a large field or woodland, and man being the dominant species looks to have an unsettled future!

 Leave it to nature then? No! There needs to be intervention. The pollution industries know something has to be done and they don't want to pay for their irresponsible behaviour, but pay someone will! I would suggest that the pricing to the every day consumer be regulated and pollution be banned within a time frame. Make the industry change out of their profits and capital not by putting up prices, or once again it'll be the ordinary worker that pays for the change and the fat cats at the top carry on as if nothing is going on.

photo credit: Bryce Bradford via photopin cc

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